четверг, 20 мая 2021 г.

Luis G. Abbadie: Appeal to the Dark Mother Yidra

Call upon the Great Yidra on a violet (ιονου) * night, dark and misty, at the crossroads of old and large roads **. For this action you will need a knife, a bag of black beans and a bag with a mixture of the following herbs: belladonna, dope, hemp, dried garlic, parsley, mint, and celery, and some black cat and black dog hair. Also a vessel with fresh milk from a black heifer.

At the place of the invocation, create a circle around yourself of the branches of trees. The branches should be stuck into the ground, of which there should be 12 branches and placed against the sun, starting from the west. Sticking branches into the ground, repeat:

"Surround me with a triple pattern,

consecrate him with your dance. "

The caller will have to face to the west, where the Sun dies in the waters, and where the road of the dead leads to the underworld of the Dark Mother. A hole should be made in the center of this circle. In the northern side of the circle, you should kindle a small fire from the branches of the evergreen, and wait until it burns out to the burning coals, which will gloomily illuminate this place in the fog. Then put the grass on the coals to smoke and with your left hand in this smoke create a spiral against the sun, enter the circle. Circle three times against the sun, saying:

"Mother, Virgo, Wyrmy, Black, Circle of branches, Key Zina, Rod of Nyarlathotep,

The legacy of Ubba-Satla, Mistress N'kai! "

Stand in the center of the circle, hit the ground three times with your left hand and whisper to the ground three times: "I call you Yidra."

Hit the ground three times with your left foot, leaning on your right foot and cry out into the black sky three times: "I call you Yidra!"

Pour milk from the vessel into the hole three times and chant three times: "I call you Yidra."

Cut your left hand and shed blood three times into the hole, saying three times: "I call you Yidra."

Stand to the border of the circle in the west, throw up your outstretched arms and exclaim:

"Yiwu! Yiwu! Yiwu!"

Do the same in the south, east, and north. Follow the path of the dead, repeating: "Yidra, Hydra, Hydraha, Ereshkigal, Persephonia, Jivia, Eeyore, Eeyore, Eeyore ...",

and at the same time throw over the left shoulder on the bean from the bag, and when you reach the center of the circle again, say three times:

"Great Dark Mother, thirsting for the life of all that exists, I appeal to you with the words of Askei Kataskei, oh goddess of the green Kzot, I appeal to you with the words of Eroon Oreoon Yoor, the insatiable Devourer of all lives,

Great Samnuar Bowie. "

Behold, as if in the distance a huge black shadow rises from the ground, blacker than the night itself, having distorted feminine outlines, then continue:

"The dream-casting Frobantia Semnaa, I was initiated into the mysteries of the Worm and descended into the underground labyrinths of Zina, the halls of Dactylus, I saw all the horrors of the blue K'nyan and the red Yotkh and reached the dark abyss of N'kai, I saw the Far and Mighty Edonea, the Lady of the vast the valleys of Pnakot, Polymorphia Yidru, and all the dead consumed by it! "

As soon as the fog begins to thicken around, taking on a strange and ominous shape, shout:

"I have cognized the offspring of the Yidra and even the Great Old Ones themselves cannot surpass her!"

Turn around and run away, for the dead and monstrous creatures of her will haunt you. While running away, scatter the remaining beans behind you and this will save you.

The one who has done this and the survivor will acquire the goodness of the Yidra and she will bring wonderful dreams, come to them in wonderful forms and talk to you. But in order to find out the answers to your questions in dreams, you need a lamp of the underground gods dedicated to Yidra.

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Внимание! 14 декабря 2021 г. произошла хакерская атака на наш сайт! Исчезли все иллюстрации. Но главное ведь это - текстовый контент ;). Так победим!
Attention! On December 14, 2021, there was a hacker attack by on our site! All illustrations are gone. But the main thing is text content ;). So we will win!

* "Когда человек узнает, что движет звёздами, Сфинкс засмеётся и жизнь на Земле иссякнет" (иероглифическая надпись на скале храма Абу-Симбел, Египет, 1260 г. до н.э.),
* "Любовь, что движет солнце и светила" (Данте Алигьери, "Божественная комедия"),
* "Радуйтесь тому, что имена ваши записаны на небесах" (Лука, 10:20);
* "Число душ в Космосе равно числу звезд и распределено по одной на каждой звезде" (Платон, "Тимей", 41е);
* "Буддам несть числа как звёздам в небесах" (Ваджранатха);
* "У каждого в глазах своя звезда" (Хафиз Ширази);
*"- Хотел бы я знать, зачем звёзды светятся... - Наверное, затем, чтобы рано или поздно каждый мог вновь отыскать свою" (Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери, "Маленький принц");
* У каждого человека свои звезды" (Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери, "Маленький принц");
* "
Мир состоит из звёзд и из людей" (
Эмиль Верхарн);
* "... все звезды подчинены тебе, потому что все они созданы ради тебя, чтобы служить тебе, а не владеть тобой" (преподобный Максим Грек);
* "Я искра в бесконечности светил. Я сделаюсь звездой. Я знаю, кто я есть, куда иду – я знаю" (Хосе Лопес Портильо, «Пирамида Кетцалькоатля»);
* "Зачем рыдать под звездой, которую всё равно не снять с неба? Она совершит начертанный ей путь. А ты совершай свой" (Иван Ефремов, "Таис Афинская").

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