четверг, 1 сентября 2016 г.

Петиция по сбору подписей для продолжения сериала 4400!

При этом петицию подписали не только зрители, но и актеры, сценаристы и продюсеры сериала, с целью, чтобы Нетфликс обратили внимание и снова взялись за сериал.

ГОЛОСУЕМ http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/bring-back-the-4400

Dear Netflix: Revive 'The 4400'! 
I just signed a petition at iPetitions.com. Please join me in supporting this important cause!

Objective: Requesting that Netflix revive the cult classic television series as a Netflix Semi-Original Series.
In 2007, the world wept for the cancellation of the Emmy nominated series, The 4400. Let me tell you why. It had one of the most compelling premises ever: 4,400 people were abducted from different parts of the world, in different decades, altered with special abilities, and were returned all at once to Seattle, WA.
Sadly, the show was in the cross-hairs of the Writers Guild Strike. Flash forward to 2016 and we're living in a world where the entertainment industry is playing by a different, yet fascinating set of rules, where shows can scoop up Emmy's and Golden Globes without airing a single episode on television.
(ex. Netflix Originals: House of Cards, Orange Is The New Black).
The geniuses at Netflix saw which way the horse was running and decided to run with it, by presenting us with series under their Netflix Original umbrella. Just when we thought things couldn't get any sweeter, they revived 'Arrested Development' (a beloved series canceled too soon) and in a "wink-wink" way, dubbed it a Semi-Original series. See where I'm going with this? Well, according to a 2013 Variety.com article titled 'Arrested Development Draws Big Early Netflix Audience':

  • Exhibit A: "A range of 2-7% of total Netflix traffic on various networks were derived from “Arrested Development.” While that may seem tiny, weigh that range against the sheer volume of content on both Netflix and the Internet in general."
  • Exhibit B: "Thirty-six percent of all devices connected to Netflix via one unspecified DSL network tracked by Procera on Sunday were watching at least part of one episode of “Arrested Development”–three times the number of those watching “House of Cards” in February."
  • Exhibit C: "It’s not as simple as “Development” is a bigger draw than “Cards”; the latter series paved the way for the former, and “Arrested” brings in a much bigger built-in fan base given the cult following that has come in from its run on broadcast TV and DVD."
This is the era where cool shows can come back for any given reason and we the fans are okay with that! 'The X-Files', anyone? How about 'Twin Peaks'? The 4400 has the same opportunity. Us FANATICS are ready! With seasons 1-4 already on Netflix (Watch here), we are willing and able to pick up where the show left off and binge watch an entire season 5, 6, 7 to infinity. Many have tried before to get the show back, but please let the misery end with me. We the people know what we want and we want what we want when we want it. Try saying that five times fast. :)
Jordan Ray Allen | Twitter: @AmericanAuteur
Please SIGN and SHARE this petition with fellow fans and don't forget to join the conversation on Twitter! Hashtag all tweets with #BringBackThe4400

We're also on Facebook: Bring Back The 4400
You can find The 4400 cast and crew on social media. To get you started:
Jacqueline McKenzie on Twitter: @JMcKenzie and Instagram: @jacquelinemckenzie
Joel Gretsch on Twitter: @JoelGretsch
Conchita Campbell on Twitter: @ConchitaCampbel
NOTE: Many of the cast/crew names are linked to their social media accounts. Place your mouse cursor over a name in the HIGHLIGHTS section to see what you find. :)
UPDATE: Maira Suro (Executive Producer), Craig Sweeny (Producer), Jen Grisanti (Vice President of Current Programs | CBS/Paramount) and lead actors Joel Gretsch (Tom Baldwin),Jacqueline McKenzie (Diana Skouris) and Billy Campbell (Jordan Collier) have signed the petition.
Supporting cast-mates that signed: Chad Faust (Kyle Bladwin), Conchita Campbell (Maia Rutledge-Skouris) Kaj-Erik Eriksen (Danny Farrell), Megalyn Echikunwoke (Isabel Tyler), Jenni Baird (Meghan Doyle), Laura Allen (Lily Tyler), Richard Kahan (Marco Pacella), Graeme Duffy(Brady Wingate) Brennan Elliot (Ben Saunders), Peter Coyote (Dennis Ryland), Jeffrey Combs(Dr. Kevin Burkhoff), Garret Dillahunt (Matthew Ross) Brooke Nevin (Nikki Hudson) and Tristin Leffler (AKA Cassie Dunleavy).
Crew Members that signed: Yves Simoneau (Pilot Director), Amy Berg (Writer), Michael Narducci (Writer), Laura Behr (Choreographer), Stephen R. Phillips (The 4400 Theme Songwriter), Paul G. Day (Editor) and Sandra Baier (Props).
Their official signature numbers, comments and date/time-stamps can be found below.
HIGHLIGHTS (In order of signature date + time)
1. Jacqueline McKenzie (AKA Diana Skouris) wrote "We wanna come back!" | Signature #345 |
June 8, 2015 8:58 PM
2. Kaj-Erik Eriksen (AKA Danny Farrell) wrote "Bring back the show! I need to eat." | Signature #595 | June 9, 2015 8:51 PM
3. Maira Suro (Executive Producer) wrote "100% agree!!!" | Signature #642 | June 10, 2015 5:01 AM
4. Megalyn Echikunwoke (AKA Isabel Tyler) | Signature #643 | June 10, 2015 5:13 AM
5. Joel Gretsch (AKA Tom Baldwin) wrote "Bring it!" | Signature #652 | June 10, 2015 1:20 PM
6. Jenni Baird (AKA Meghan Doyle) wrote "I played Meghan Doyle Season 4!!" | Signature #717 | June 11, 2015 11:24 PM
7. Richard Kahan (AKA Marco Pacella) wrote "I for one wanna see Marco and his sweet new abilities!" | Signature #846 | June 12, 2015 5:00 PM
8. Craig Sweeny (Producer) | Signature #872 | June 12, 2015 11:09 PM
9. Laura Allen (AKA Lily Tyler) wrote "Let's shoot!" | Signature #946 | June 13, 2015 2:28 PM
10. Graeme Duffy (AKA Brady Wingate) wrote "I played Brady Wingate one of the Theory Room Guys." | Signature #964 | June 13, 2015 5:45 PM
11. Laura Behr (Choreographer) | Signature #908 | June 13, 2015 3:41 AM
12. Stephen R. Phillips (Songwriter) wrote "I co-wrote the theme song for the show…>Still one of our best themes…A really great show!" | Signature #965 | June 13, 2015 6:13 PM
13. Amy Berg (Writer) wrote "Happy to write more episodes of this! Still one of my favorite gigs. :) " | Signature #965 | June 13, 2015 6:18 PM
14. Brennan Elliot (AKA Ben Saunders) | Signature #969 | June 13, 2015 6:47 PM
15. Paul G. Day (Editor) wrote "Some of my best work I did on this series." | Signature #971 | June 13, 2015 9:25 PM
16. Yves Simoneau (Pilot Director) wrote "I keep thinking, what really happened? Where are they all now?!" | Signature #983 | June 14, 2015 12:11 AM
17. Jen Grisanti (CBS/Paramount | Vice President of Current Programs) wrote "Bring it back!" | Signature #1037 | June 14, 2015 1:12 PM
18. Peter Coyote (AKA Dennis Ryland) wrote "Dennis Ryland could return!" | Signature #1074 | June 14, 2015 5:00 PM
19. Jeffrey Combs (AKA Dr. Kevin Burkhoff) wrote "The world is in trouble. It needs The 4400 to survive. Kevin Burkhoff's scientific research must continue! And he has to reunite with Tess!" | Signature #1067 | June 14, 2015 4:44 PM
20. Garret Dillahunt (AKA Matthew Ross) wrote "Matthew's dead, but....you never know." | Signature #1100 | June 14, 2015 7:10 PM
21. Chad Faust (AKA Kyle Baldwin) wrote "Abducted. Returned. Changed. Cancelled. Resurrected." | Signature #1174 | June 15, 2015 5:50 PM
22. Michael Narducci (Writer) wrote "So many questions that demand answers... and such an amazing cast." | Signature #1249 | June 17, 2015 3:46 AM
23. Brooke Nevin (AKA Nikki Hudson) | Signature #1332 | June 18, 2015 7:43 PM
24. Billy Campbell (AKA Jordan Collier) wrote "Welcome to Promise City | Signature #4502 | July 2, 2015 2:31 AM
25. William Shatner wrote "Let the 4400 live on again! My best, Bill." | Signature #4923 | July 5, 2015 3:11 AM
26. Sandra Baier (Props) wrote "Was a crew member that so enjoyed working on the show and was so disappointed it was cancelled by the writers strike. Let's bring it back!" | Signature #5376 | July 5, 2015 11:29 PM
27. Conchita Campbell (AKA Maia Rutledge-Skouris) wrote "Can't wipe this smile off my face! This is awesome. Bring back the 4400, lets do this." | Signature #14333 | September 29, 2015 2:57 AM
28. Tristin Leffler (AKA Cassie Dunleavy) wrote "I played Cassie Dunleavy on the show and I'm dying, just like everyone else, to find out what happens next! Let's do this!! | Signature #17121 | October 8, 2015 10:05 PM

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Внимание! 14 декабря 2021 г. произошла хакерская атака на наш сайт! Исчезли все иллюстрации. Но главное ведь это - текстовый контент ;). Так победим!
Attention! On December 14, 2021, there was a hacker attack by on our site! All illustrations are gone. But the main thing is text content ;). So we will win!

* "Когда человек узнает, что движет звёздами, Сфинкс засмеётся и жизнь на Земле иссякнет" (иероглифическая надпись на скале храма Абу-Симбел, Египет, 1260 г. до н.э.),
* "Любовь, что движет солнце и светила" (Данте Алигьери, "Божественная комедия"),
* "Радуйтесь тому, что имена ваши записаны на небесах" (Лука, 10:20);
* "Число душ в Космосе равно числу звезд и распределено по одной на каждой звезде" (Платон, "Тимей", 41е);
* "Буддам несть числа как звёздам в небесах" (Ваджранатха);
* "У каждого в глазах своя звезда" (Хафиз Ширази);
*"- Хотел бы я знать, зачем звёзды светятся... - Наверное, затем, чтобы рано или поздно каждый мог вновь отыскать свою" (Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери, "Маленький принц");
* У каждого человека свои звезды" (Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери, "Маленький принц");
* "
Мир состоит из звёзд и из людей" (
Эмиль Верхарн);
* "... все звезды подчинены тебе, потому что все они созданы ради тебя, чтобы служить тебе, а не владеть тобой" (преподобный Максим Грек);
* "Я искра в бесконечности светил. Я сделаюсь звездой. Я знаю, кто я есть, куда иду – я знаю" (Хосе Лопес Портильо, «Пирамида Кетцалькоатля»);
* "Зачем рыдать под звездой, которую всё равно не снять с неба? Она совершит начертанный ей путь. А ты совершай свой" (Иван Ефремов, "Таис Афинская").

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